Buddha Monastery Support Association

Sustainable Buddhism association in Monterey Park, Los Angeles, California, USA

Address: 129 N New Ave, Monterey Park, California 91755, USA
Cell phone: 1-626-632-6661
eMail: 123bmsa@gmail.com.
Website: www.bmsa129.net

First of all

Buddhism Practice

At Buddha Monastery Support Association, we are passionate about Buddhism practice and offer a range of programs and activities to support spiritual development.

Not to mention


We believe in the power of giving back to the community and offer numerous charity initiatives, including food drives and homeless outreach programs.

And let's not forget

Community Services

As part of our commitment to building a strong Buddhist community, we offer a range of community services, including meditation classes and cultural events.

About us

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the sustainability of Buddhism monasteries and promoting Buddhist values through charity and community services. Based in Monterey Park, Los Angeles, California, we are committed to fostering a strong Buddhist community and supporting individuals on their spiritual journeys.

Join us on our journey to support sustainable Buddhism and make a positive impact on the world.

Get in touch